Your Hosts, Pete and Sherry Clare and ‘Carmella’
Sessions start a 10:30 am or 4 pm and last about three hours. Price is $600 (includes gratuity & tax) for groups up to eight people. Advance reservations only……Let’s Talk!
Beef on Kimmelweck Roll
~ Now Accepting Reservations Please Call for Open Dates ~
As of ‘Groundhog’s Day (Feb. 2) 2017 Turkey Trot will not be accepting credit cards. We Trade in Good Checks, PayPal and Cash. Sorry for any inconvenience but we just can’t deal with CC processors anymore!
Please Click the Link Below for a Great Article in The Ithaca Times:
“Apizza School Teaches the Art of Pizza Making”!
A great big thank you to Rita Kellogg @ ‘Side Hill Acres’ in Candor for providing her delicious Feta Cheese used in creating this ‘Greek Pizza’ masterpiece! As the days get longer we are excited about firing Carmella up for another season of brick-oven fare! Let’s plan a party……
Click Below for new Forno Bravo Commercial Oven Catalog:
Our Maternal Italian Grandmother Carmella Ardito @ Work ~ Don’s Restaurant Groton, NY 1951
Passing It On… A Family Tradition @ Turkey Trot! Great Grandma, Grandma & Mable